Richard Holland Landscape Artist
Watercolour and Oil painting groups
Classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners in the areas of
Mansfield, Selston and Matlock
Classes information
Come along to my beginners and Intermediate and Advanced classes in Watercolour and Oil Painting hold at Park Road Resources Centre in Mansfield Woodhouse and Kingsway Hall, Forest town near Mansfield as well as venues at Tansley Village Hall Derbyshire and Tin Hat Selston Nottinghamshire. I will teach you the basics in getting started, colour mixing, materials and brushes required, and ideas and techniques that will help you start, and then improve your artistic skills. I will also introduce you to key artist and artistic movements and practices from the last 600 years. Contact me on 01629 583359 or email me at for more details. Classes range between £8, £8.50 and £9 dependent on each class
Park Road Resources Centre Mansfield Woodhouse Nottinghamshire Intermediate and Advanced steps to Watercolour painting
Intermediate to Advanced watercolours classes will start Tuesday mornings 9.15 pm to 11.45 pm
St Lawrence Hall Mansfield Nottinghamshire Advanced steps to Oil painting
Advanced classes run from Tuesday afternoons 12.45 till 3.45 pm
Park Road Resources Centre Mansfield Woodhouse Nottinghamshire
Intermediate to Advanced watercolours classes Currently running Friday mornings 9.30 to 12.00 |
Selston Tin Hat Centre Mathhew holland Complex chaple road Selston NOTTIHNAMSHIRE Advanced oil classes will start running at
These classes run on Mondays mornings 9.30 to 12.30
Park Road Resources Centre Mansfield Woodhouse Nottinghamshire
Intermediate to Advanced Watercolour painting
Currently running Wednesday mornings 10 pm to 12.30 pm
Tansley Community Hall* Church Street Tansley Derbyshire
Intermediate to Advanced oil class currently running. Classes are on Monday Evenings between 7 and 9 pm